Custom Marketplace
BuildersMeet is a social network platform as a digital marketing channel to overcome construction industry growth limitations for different types of construction industry workforces. The main features of it are listed below:
For businesses related to housing construction
New channel for Construction Digital Marketing
Present construction businesses with customized Business Profile
24/7 marketplace
Trade & Barter
Search and hire qualified contractors
Find suitable jobs and being hired in the suitable projects for contractors
Realtor Listing system
Find the best Realtor matches with your criteria
Practical Custom Software
After studying needs of the housing construction businesses, we have developed practical custom packages.
They are easy and low-cost.
All of them are based on cloud computing and accessible through the internet without time and space restrictions.
By using the packages, you are able to use the integrated solutions for improving your business processes and managing them. Also, you can access the custom Builders Meet marketplace from practical software.
Integrated Total Solution
Present, monitor, manage and improve your business processes by our perfect solutions. BuildersMeet has designed solutions for the step-by-step growth of different business construction types. Our Integrated Solutions have resulted from the problem-solving process that integrates functions across Construction Businesses by using technology.
BuildersMeet integrated Solutions serve your business to maximize financial values (e.g., sales and productions planning, etc.) as well as combined with complementary technologies. This comprehensive approach accompanies you to reach beyond your goals.

Arash Dadyar
Phone # 647.295.3747
web: www.   

Quality, fashion, diversity and durability

Toronto Home Club: For those who think HOME